Scoring & download


The GDIT consists of 14 items with frequency-based response alternatives, in three domains: Gambling behavior GDITitem 1-3 (scored 0-6), gambling symptoms GDITitem 4-10 (scored 0-4), and negative consequences GDITitem 11-14  (scored 0, 2 or 4). The maximum GDIT total score is 62. In addition, gambling expenditures and gambling types are assessed separately in an appendix to the GDIT.


Non-gambling: GDIT total score =0.

Recreational gambling: GDIT total score <15.

Problem gambling: GDIT total score 15-19.

Any Gambling Disorder: GDIT total score ≥20.

Mild Gambling Disorder: GDIT total score 20-24.

Moderate Gambling Disorder: GDIT total score 25-29.

Severe Gambling Disorder: GDIT total score ≥30.


The GDIT is in the public domain and free to use for research and clinical purposes (not for commercial use).

The GDIT is currently available in three versions: English, Swedish and Turkish. If you would like to use the GDIT in another language, you can contact and help to make an official translation.

GDIT English version

GDIT Norwegian version

GDIT Serbian version

GDIT Spanish version

GDIT Swedish version

GDIT Turkish version

GDIT Vietnamese version