The GDIT consists of 14 items with frequency-based response alternatives, in three domains: Gambling behavior GDITitem 1-3 (scored 0-6), gambling symptoms GDITitem 4-10 (scored 0-4), and negative consequences GDITitem 11-14 (scored 0, 2 or 4). The maximum GDIT total score is 62. In addition, gambling expenditures and gambling types are assessed separately in an appendix to the GDIT.
Non-gambling: GDIT total score =0.
Recreational gambling: GDIT total score <15.
Problem gambling: GDIT total score 15-19.
Any Gambling Disorder: GDIT total score ≥20.
Mild Gambling Disorder: GDIT total score 20-24.
Moderate Gambling Disorder: GDIT total score 25-29.
Severe Gambling Disorder: GDIT total score ≥30.
The GDIT is in the public domain and free to use for research and clinical purposes (not for commercial use).
The GDIT is currently available in three versions: English, Swedish and Turkish. If you would like to use the GDIT in another language, you can contact and help to make an official translation.